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P.O. Box 2583
Cedar Park, TX. 78639

(512) 481-7455

Chris Nielsen


My name is Chris Nielsen. I am an Associate Professor of computer graphics courses. I have a Master of Fine Arts Degree (1998) in Illustration from California State University, Fullerton.

My personal emphasis is in the subject of Vector Portraits.

With all of my illustrations, I work exclusively in Adobe Illustrator. My work is completely made up of flat-colored shapes... lots and lots of them! I want the viewer to see right away that these are drawings, not photographs. In my most recent Star Trek illustrations, I do not even use a single curve. It is all done with nothing but straight-edged shapes to really force myself to work in that graphic depiction of details. I DO NOT work with any types of filters or special effects. I like the process of developing a realistic look in my illustrations with totally flat colors and abstract shapes.

My creative process is to go deeper into the reality you and I see and define a New Reality in the digital medium I use. I define the Visual Style of my Vector Illustration work as “Stylized Realism”.

My visual works are not interpretations of the reality I photographed. They are not literal copies of the subject in the scene. No... instead, they take on this New Reality from the fact that I am constantly breaking up continuous tones into a much more graphic, shape-oriented means to conveying surface details. My New Reality does not exist in the world that the camera can be used to capture.

My shapes and color changes and subtle additions here and there are strictly from the way my eyes see this New Reality... a New World of imagery that I can share with the viewer. In other words, through my work I am saying - “Welcome to my world.”


In Awe

16" X 24"

Art Print

Heavy Weight 10pt Cardstock, acid-free

by artist: Chris Nielsen
...see more info below