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P.O. Box 2583
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Nicole Padberg Munkdale

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Nicole Padberg Munkdale

Nicole is a graphic artist and photographer based in Las Vegas, NV.  She has worked with a number concert venues to create commemorative band posters for rock artist’s including Guns n’ Roses, Santana, Billy Idol, Journey, Primus, Volbeat, and Five Finger Death Punch to name a few.  Among her clients are Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Brooklyn Bowl, Tropicana, and House of Blues.  Her passion for design arose from her natural ability to draw and create art at a very young age which has carried though her life in the form of other creative outlets such as singing, performing, designing clothing and costumes.

In addition to studying graphic design at Platt College in Newport Beach, CA she also studied opera at CSUN and has performed as a professional singer in Las Vegas and across the world.  Along with her design and singing pursuits, she also worked at [the now closed] Star Trek the Experience as an actor.

From early on in her life she has had a passion for the worlds of Star Trek and Star Wars.  The ability to combine both her art with one of her favorite franchises has been a dream.