Ode to Spot — BYE BYE, ROBOT

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Ode to Spot

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Ode to Spot


Ode to Spot


18" X 24"

Art Print

Heavy Weight 10pt Cardstock, acid-free

by artist: Jonathan England
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Artist Jonathan England brings with him his classic portrait of Mr. Data and his cat Spot. This is a portrait that fans may already be familiar with, from its original limited release some years ago. In fact, fans have been requesting it be made available again ever since it was sold out in its previous run and we are happy to oblige. This portrait combines the futuristic and the classical with its composition of Mr. Data seated in a red velvet chair in his quarters on the Enterprise holding Spot on his lap, all while in the style of a traditional oil portrait. Entitled “Ode to Spot” this new piece is 18”x24” on heavyweight acid-free card stock and presents imagery from Star Trek: The Next Generation.  

fully licensed by CBS Consumer Products

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