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P.O. Box 2583
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Cliff Cramp

Cliff Cramp

I enjoy old things; old cars which I like to tinker on, old houses which I would like to live in some day, old furniture which I like to restore, and elderly people who I enjoy talking with. I live with my wonderful wife and two energetic boys in sunny Southern California.

My artistic influences include John Singer Sargent, Howard Pyle, Harvey Dunn, NC Wyeth, James Montgomery Flagg, and Dean Cornwell. My contemporary influences are too numerous to list.

In the year, 2000, a studio fire destroyed more than ten years of my artwork. After the fire, I switched to digital painting media for much of my illustration assignment work. I’ve received award-winning status on CGTalk, the largest online community of professional illustrators using digital media. I continue freelance work while serving as area coordinator for the illustration program at California State University Fullerton. I teach illustration courses in traditional and digital media.

My illustration work spans a wide range of genres in the entertainment industry; including background painting for animation, storyboard and visual development art for feature film, CD / DVD cover art, board games, editorial and book illustration. My paintings have been exhibited in many international juried competitions. Clients have included LucasFilms, 20th Century Fox, United Artists, Hollywood Records, Nickelodeon TV Animation, Disney Entertainment, Penguin Books, Philomel Books, Ingram Micro, Dik Entertainment, Menagerie Creative and more.

My illustrations can be seen on covers such as Lucasflims/ 20th Century Fox Star Wars: The Complete Saga on Blu Ray, Star Wars: Episodes 1 2 3 on Blu Ray, Star Wars: Episodes 4 5 6 on Blu Ray, Hollywood Records Plain White T’s Wonders of The Younger CD, 20th Century Fox Marilyn Monroe Special Anniversary Collection, and many more. My work has also been featured in Corel Painter 11 and 12.


3 Piece Limited Edition Set with Autographed Card

18" X 24" ea

3 Art Prints + Autographed Card Hand-signed by artist Cliff Cramp

Limited Edition of 75. Hand Numbered.

Heavy Weight 10pt Cardstock, acid-free

by artist: Cliff Cramp

...see more info below
